Friday, September 9, 2011

Trailers, Tats, and Pitbulls

Riddle me this.  Why is it that the more education and money you have the less likely you are to have any of the three things in the title of this blog (excluding professional athletes of course)?  I guess it's kind of like asking why do rich educated people see who can row a boat the fastest, play lacrosse, and tie their sweaters around their necks?  Don't get me wrong both groups still look like total assholes, with their necks tattooed and sweatered.  But where and why this split in culture occurs totally fascinates me.  Neither is really better than the other, I've encountered many a blue blood that could definitely have been on cops, they just live in better neighborhoods.  Cops should spend a year in Park City then they could get all the footage they need of people being arrested in their boat shoes.

Seriously people I want some answers!!!!!!  I need some sociology majors to enlighten me. 

Every other trailer in my park has a pitbull.  Is it because you are trying to protect your xbox and flatscreen from getting stolen? Or maybe your lava lamp?  Again I don't understand!

PS at the library the other day i saw a girl with a tramp stamp that read "In My Crack". BOOM! That actually happened.

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