Saturday, August 27, 2011

Ho Cups

Ho Cups and Trailers go together like Martinis and Penthouses or Orange Soda and Government Housing.  If you know me then you know what a ho cup is. I used to have a hilarious and perfect ho cup explanation on facebook so i could refer newcomers to the phrase there. Instead of having to go into it's lengthy explanation. But Facebook is retarded and now i just have two boxes one labeled "Ho" and one labeled "Cup". So i though there is no better place than my blog to have an explanation once and for all that wont get messed with.

The term Ho Cup originated in White Pine County (although they are not necessarily native to that region) around the late 90's from me and my best friend.  It came about by observing that a particular kind of girl always hand one in her possession at bonfires, sporting events, or any group gathering.  In the Ho Cup was usually (not always) an adult beverage disguised as an innocent gas station soda.

 A Ho Cup consists of any fountain soda 32 oz. or larger.  It is held by the top of the cup with the straw being positioned between the pointer and middle finger.  Then the way a ho cup is drank is by bringing the Ho cup to ones mouth, inserting the entire straw into the mouth to the point where your lips are touching to almost touching your hand. Also, usually accompanying the Ho cup on the drinking hand is a key chain hooked onto the pinky or ring finger. Now when the term was coined beanie babies and kush balls were all the rage so one of those were always included on the key chain. When you see them these days they are still accompanied by a key chain but usually with just an excessive amount of "I went to hell and all i got was this lousy key chain" type of key chains. And that my friends is a Ho Cup. 

If you grew up in any rural community (especially in Utah or Nevada) during the late 90's early 00's you are most likely reading this and shaking your head in agreement and remembering seeing more than a few ho cups in your day. Ever since highschool I have referred to these types of drinks as Ho Cups.  It is just second nature i don't even think about it.  So when i would tell a friend "Let's go get a ho cup." Or "Bring me back a ho cup." Or post on Facebook how i am enjoying a delicious Ho cup. People always give me a weird look. But as soon as i start to explain to them what a ho cup is you can literally see the light in their eyes go off when they recognize people they knew (or know) who sport the ho cup exactly as described above.

Seriously it is one of the most satisfying things.  One time i was telling this story at a friends BBQ and before i even got to the key chain part one of my friends jumps in and was like "Yeah and the girl always had this big key chain on her hand, and drank it all seductively by wrapping her tongue around the straw". This said person went to high school in Heber Ut so he really did know!!!  So of course they start calling it a ho cup as well because it just makes so much sense.

I should have really named this blog "Ho Cup Nation", maybe my next one. On second thought I need to get that phrase trademarked and put on t-shirts and coffee mugs and car stickers!! OMG I am going to go get on one of those make your own car sticker sites and make myself a "Ho Cup Nation" sticker for the Corolla. Anyways It really warms my heart when extended friends and family tell me that they now exclusively use ho cup when they are referring to fountain soda. So far i know that term is used in New York, Colorado, Nevada, and Utah but my life's mission (not really) is to spread the term Ho cup to all fifty states! Ho Cup Nation Unite!!! Pictures to follow.

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